Bigger is not always better, especially when we’re talking kitchens. Small kitchens are usually more efficient workspaces than large ones. Space and good design aren’t exclusive to a large kitchen — all you need are some good small kitchen decorating ideas that keep your small space organized, functional and beautiful.

“If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life.” — Louis Parrish

We’ve put together some small-kitchen decorating ideas that tackle the following issues with good design solutions. The three most common small-kitchen complaints are clutter, lack of counter space and a dark kitchen.

Clutter is usually a side effect of not having enough storage. Often, more storage isn’t the solution — simplifying and decluttering your kitchen is. Go through your cabinets and drawers (especially the back) and donate or toss anything that you haven’t used for a while. Ask yourself if you really need a cherry-pitting tool or an egg slicer. Once you’ve cleared the cabinets, clear the counters by storing the items that cause visual clutter.

You’ve reclaimed some counter space, but do you still feel like it’s not enough? That’s a common issue. We have ideas for maximizing (and even adding) more counter space to your small kitchen, including a trick for turning your sink into a cutting board.

Source: FreshHome