The internet has changed the way in which we do so many things, the way we shop, the way we communicate, it allows us to work from anywhere and has even changed the way our children do their homework. People no longer need to leave their homes to make a purchase which has created a new generation of consumers that want information at the touch of a button, (or at the touch of a screen!) next day delivery and a first class service.
Thanks to social media our thoughts, hopes, fears and photographs are out there for all to see. We can share as little or as much as we want to. Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and many more allow businesses to become more accessible without spending a fortune on old fashioned marketing techniques, which will only succeed in reaching a fraction of the target audience.
How has the internet affected interior design so far, and how will it continue to do so?
Well, our work is out there for the world to see, share and comment on. Do well, gain positive comments, get people sharing your work and your name, gain credibility and your business will grow. With apps such as Pinterest, millions of ideas are shared daily, sparking new ideas and inspiring other people.
So, if we can work from anywhere, we can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world and images of our work are out there for everyone to see, then surely its possible for anyone to access an interior design service that offers advice and guidance within their budget?
Luxure Interior Designoffers a monthly subscription service which allows anyone and everyone access to their very own interior designer at a fraction of the usual cost. Whether someone is renovating an entire property or simply needing some advice and guidance with their own ideas and looking for some help and reassurance they can subscribe for as long as they need. I’ll be available daily, if necessary, via phone or email in order to steer clients in the right direction and provide digital moodboards and shopping lists in order for clients to carry out the transformation.
Cyber Home Decor
With the availability of video conferencing, virtual tours and Facetime, its even possible to guide clients through dressing the room and helping with those finishing touches.
Is this the future of interior design and will it spark a new generation of cyber designers?
Lets wait and see!