Here are 5 simple ways to be greeted with a sweet scent every time you enter your kitchen!

1. Make a stove simmer.

“I learned this from my crafty and cleaning obsessed mother,” says interior designer Rhobin De La Cruz. “Simmer water in a small saucepan and add citrus slices and herbs, like lavender or mint.” The heat permeates the sweet scent throughout your house — an easy trick that is as lovely for a party as it is for any ol’ Tuesday.

2. Clean your garbage disposal.

Notice a lingering stink? Might want to check the sink. “First try spritzing a dollop of lemon-scented dish soap down into the disposal, run the water, then turn it on,” says interior designer Keita Turner. You can also run lemon or lime rinds through the disposal, followed by lots of water. If the smell persists, pour in a 1/2 cup of baking soda while running warm water.

Candles are an obvious way to make your home smell sweet, but some clever placement can increase their efficiency. “Anchor a few candles where you would least expect them to be — but don’t light them,” says interior designer Dee Murphy. “Try the linen closet, or anywhere fabrics might live and be able to absorb the scent. Not only do you get a nice surprise every time you open the door, but your linens will carry the aroma with them wherever you use them.”

4. Bring the outside in.

“Indoor plants clean the air while beautifying your home,” says Turner. And many offer pleasant fragrances, too. Turner suggests geraniums, Arabian jasmine, eucalyptus, gardenias, corsage orchids, and Cuban oregano.

5. Turn on the oven.

Nothing beats the aroma of warm baked goods. “When I know I am having guests over, I will purposely have a baked good on the agenda,” says Murphy. “Something simple like cinnamon rolls or a banana bread fills the house with good ol’ fashioned yumminess.”

Source: Good Housekeeping