Here’s a list of valuable kitchen safety rules to keep kids safe in the kitchen. It goes without saying that teaching children about the importance of safety-first is a smart idea for parents, grandparents and even, great grandparents.

1. Before you begin roll up long sleeves, tie back long hair and remove loose clothing that might get in the way or catch on something.

2. Wash your hands and dry them well. Wet hands can be slippery.

3. If you can’t quite reach the countertop, use a sturdy stool or wooden step to help.

4. Keep cabinet doors and drawers closed so you won’t bump into them.

5. Wipe up spills as soon as they happen. Wet spots can be slippery.

6. Always use oven mitts to handle food on the stove, in the oven or microwave and under the broiler.

7. When working with pots on the stove, be sure to hold the handle while stirring to prevent the pot from slipping off the burner.

8. Always pick up knives by their handle and do not point them at anyone. Be sure to only use a knife when an adult is close by and with permission.

9. Keep electrical cords away from the stove top, oven and sink.

10. Before leaving the kitchen, check that the oven and burners are all turned off.

11. If you burn yourself, tell an adult immediately.

12. Don’t put knives or other sharp objects in a sink full of water. Someone could reach in and get hurt.

13. Never put water on a cooking fire – it could make the fire bigger. Call for an adult to help and use baking soda or flour to put the fire out.

14. Don’t put cooked food on an unwashed plate or cutting board that held raw food. Always use a clean plate.

15. Never add water to a pan with hot oil in it. It could splatter and burn someone.

16. Keep paper towels, dish towels and pot holders away from the stove top so they don’t catch on fire.

Source: Kraft Canada