Starting a home remodeling project can be daunting. The thought of being without your kitchen or bathroom for 4-6 weeks can create an enormous amount of anxiety and stress. Remodeling projects can be hectic, crazy, and frustrating. However, with a bit of pre-planning, you can have fun while creating your dream space.

Here is a list by OMG! Kitchen & Bath to help you prepare.

  1. Empty the Rooms.

Protect or relocate anything of value. The remodeling process can often unintendedly cause damage to valuables. If you are unable to empty a room providing clear paths and covering furniture will help. Cleaning and decluttering countertops and cabinets will also keep items from getting dirty, damaged, or otherwise misplaced.

  1. Think About Kids and Pets.

Consider fall a perfect time to start remodel projects. Children are often in school during the day, and this allows for a reduction of foot traffic within the home.

Renovation projects come with unfamiliar people and noises. Noises can cause an enormous amount of anxiety and agitation for your animal family members. Consider daycare options, pet sitters, or simply crates to keep them safe and out of harm’s way.

  1. Expect the Unexpected.

Sometimes, no matter how much planning you do, there are surprises. Having reserve funds set aside and being in contestant communication with your contractor will help.

Setback will happen, and if you and your contractor are on the same page, these things can be handled promptly.

  1. Have Fun with It.

Keep your eye on the prize. Embrace the process, even during the moment. Regardless if dust is flying all over your house, and your furniture is all over the place. Remember the result, will be the remodel of your dreams. Don’t forget to take pictures before, during, and after – so you can later show your friends and family.

General Tips for Kitchen & Bath Remodels

If you are doing a kitchen remodel, we recommend temporary kitchens. Set up a space in another part of your home that can have the basic functionality of a kitchen. Microwaves, Instant Pot, crockpots, electric grills, and even Refrigerators can temporarily be set up just about anywhere.

For example, when OMG! works in a kitchen, we make sure our team moves the refrigerator, microwave, and any other appliances. So you can continue to live “normally” while we build your kitchen beautiful.

Bathroom Remodel

The bathroom is the room that people renovate most often. Bathroom remodeling can turn the most personal and private room in your house into a roaring mess filled with dust, noise, and traffic. Again, if you only have one bathroom in your home, ask your contractor if they will set up a makeshift bathroom. If you have more than one bathroom to use, be sure to transfer all necessary items over into the other bathroom before the construction begins. Think about bathing schedules and usage times. If possible, ask a neighbor, stay with a family member, or even consider getting an outdoor shower used for camping.

Finally, remember – before demolition begins, meet with your designer consultant and contractor. This way, you will ensure that you understand the scope-of-work and how it will affect your life during the process.

At OMG! Kitchen & Bath, we pride ourselves on communication and make sure to let our clients know when obstacles arise. We offer the best solution to the problem and make sure the project continues and achieves the expected results.

At OMG! Kitchen & Bath we give start and completion dates in writing before any work begins, giving the customer time to plan accordingly.