Renovations are always exciting, but if it’s your first time, you may have some concerns. One of homeowners’ biggest worries during a renovation is that construction will be delayed. Don’t worry though! With enough preparation beforehand, it’s easy to avoid the common pitfalls that can waste your time and money. Here are five best practices to avoid delays and ensure that your remodel goes smoothly:

Good communication is key 

The relationship between a homeowner and contractor is invaluable. Feel free to speak up if you have questions or notice something you think is incorrect, but don’t try to micromanage the project or interrupt too often. Keeping a good balance while still maintaining open lines of communication will ensure the relationship is productive for both parties.

Select products as soon as possible 

Having your preferences determined before construction begins will allow the process to move more smoothly. It’s also important to be decisive and avoid making changes last minute– pick out the fixtures you want before renovation begins and make sure everyone is happy with the decision to avoid delays down the road.

Prepare your home before the project begins

Remove all unnecessary items from the room, clear cabinets and shelves, and cover or put away any furniture or belongings that you don’t want dirtied or damaged during construction. If your contractor lets you know of any items they’ll need for the remodel, have those on hand before they arrive.

Avoid products with long backorders

Unexpected backorders can’t be helped, but if you know a product is out of stock or will take a long time to be shipped, find a similar alternative elsewhere or go with your second choice to avoid wasting time (and money!) waiting for the items.

Document everything

 Keep track of receipts, invoices, plans, inspections, and anything else that you think may be relevant to the project. Having this information handy will save precious time in the future, and can be a valuable resource for both homeowner and contractor. 

At OMG, we pride ourselves on developing good relationships with each and every one of our clients. Whether you’re ready to get started on your renovation or you still have questions about the process, give us a call at (210) 535-1000 and set up a free consultation today!